🔐 Available on paid Team plans. Find more information on our pricing page.

Bring your Team together to make an impact by building a campaign on Field Day. With impact campaigns, you can group volunteer events together to create a curated day, week, or month of service for your Team. 

✨ Team owners and coordinators can create campaign pages, where all information and participation opportunities are accessible to Team members. Learn more about Team roles →

In this article:

Create an impact campaign

To start, email support@fieldday.com to request a campaign. We'll create your page and email you to let you know when it's ready. 

To manage an impact campaign:

  1. Click on the campaign page in the campaigns section of your dashboard
  2. Click management options
  3. Click edit campaign 
  4. Add a title, dates, description, and Field Trips to your campaign

You can add Field Trips to the campaign later, if you haven't created them yet. 

If you’re not ready to publish your campaign yet, click save as draft. This will allow your Team owners and coordinators to edit the campaign until you're ready to publish.

About campaign pages

Campaigns will be featured on your Team hub prior to and for the duration of the campaign. You can also find campaigns on your dashboard or Field Trips page in the impact campaigns section.

Campaign pages include:

  • Campaign title, description, and dates
  • Management options menu with campaign invite links and campaign editing options
  • Participation list
  • Event cards for all included Field Trips

Campaign invite links work just like Team invite links. Create a campaign invite link and share it with anyone to give visitors a preview of your campaign and invite them to join your Team to participate in the campaign.

Find your completed impact campaigns on your Team's Field Trips page in the impact campaigns tab.