Event pages streamline event coordination, registrations, and communication to let you spend the most time on the part that matters: doing good. 

To get started, click on an upcoming event from your homepage or the Community calendar

What to expect

Event pages are the best place for volunteers to find everything they need to know.

Keep in mind:

  • Event pages can be created for community events and for Field Trips (Team events)
  • Event pages for Field Trips will only be visible to the selected Team

Additional elements may appear on event pages depending on the event type and your role.

On event pages, volunteers can:

Event info and registration

Event pages contain all of the information you need to know about the event. Find a description, key details, and more on the event page.

Click register to sign up to volunteer for the event. Scroll to the registered volunteers section to see a participant count and participating Teams.

Your registration confirmation email will include a calendar invite that you can download. Learn more about registering for events →

Post photos and messages

In the photos section, click add photos to share photos with other volunteers and the nonprofit. Choose the images from your files, then click upload to finish. Hover over photos to see who uploaded them, or click to view and download.

Use the message board to communicate with other volunteers or ask the nonprofit questions about the event. 

The nonprofit point of contact and all registered volunteers will receive notifications when messages are posted on an event message board. Responses to any message within a thread will trigger a notification to those who have participated in the thread. 

View nonprofit details and other events

Click on the nonprofit's logo to view the nonprofit profile, where you can find details about the nonprofit, see available activities, and view upcoming events open for registration.

In the other events section, find upcoming events for the same activity. This includes Field Trips for your Team and community events that the nonprofit has scheduled.

Share your feedback

After the event, click take survey to share your feedback. Fill out your responses and click save survey to submit your responses. 

Field Day will send out email notifications to remind attendees to fill out the survey. Learn more about notifications →