Notifications in Field Day are designed to keep you in the loop without making you sign into Field Day every morning. Field Day will send you an email notification for anything important that happens - that way, you can focus on connecting with your community. 

How notifications work

Users can adjust settings for non-essential notifications to fit their preferences. Click edit profile in the profile dropdown menu, then scroll to the notification preferences section. There, you can choose a metro area to receive volunteer opportunity digests. If you are on a Team, you can also adjust the notifications you get for your Team's Field Trips.

Field Day sends out few different types of notifications:

Platform notifications update in real-time. If you're receiving multiple notifications within 3 minutes of each other, Field Day will group them into a single email notification. 


Field Day invitation

This goes out when an owner or coordinator adds someone without a Field Day account to their Team or nonprofit. Recipients can click the link in the notification and create a Field Day account. Once they sign up using the invited email, they'll be automatically added to the Team or nonprofit.

Field Day invitation reminder

This goes out 9 days after the initial invitation is sent if the recipient hasn't created their Field Day account yet.

Field Day addition

This goes out when an owner or coordinator adds someone with a Field Day account to their Team or nonprofit. Recipients will be notified of their new membership and be automatically added to the Team or nonprofit.

Registration status confirmations

All Field Day users will receive registration status confirmations on the platform and via email.

Registration created, updated, or withdrawn

You will receive a confirmation that you’ve registered, joined a waitlist, withdrawn, or otherwise updated your registration for an event. Registration confirmation emails include a calendar attachment for the event.

Point of contact assigned

You will receive a notification If you are chosen as the point of contact for an event. 

Event updates and reminders

Field Trip notifications (Teams)

Individual notifications: Everyone on your Team will receive an alert when a new Field Trip is available. This includes shared community events, planned Field Trips, and managed Field Trips.

Summary notifications: Everyone on your Team will receive a summary of your Team's upcoming events every 2 weeks. This summary will include the next four weeks of all your Team's Field Trips, as long as they have open volunteer slots remaining.

ℹ️ Team owners can configure Field Trip notifications by adjusting their Team settings → 

Event updates and cancellation

Registrants and the point of contact will receive notifications for posts to event message boards, if changes are made to an upcoming event, or if an event is canceled. If someone responds within a threaded message, anyone who has participated in the thread will be notified. Notifications will include an updated calendar attachment with the new event information included.

Event reminders

Registrants and the nonprofit contact will receive a reminder 48 hours and 2 hours before an event.

⭐️ Reminders to nonprofit contacts will include a registration count. The nonprofit contact will also receive notifications when volunteers withdraw from an upcoming event.

Post-event survey requests (attendees)

Attendees will receive a request to share feedback via survey 24 hours after the event, and a reminder to share feedback 72 hours after the event if no response.

Field Trip recaps (Teams)

Attendees will receive a Field Trip recap with top survey comments, photos, and the Team’s overall impact 1 week after the event.

Planning alerts

Owners and coordinators of nonprofits and Teams will receive planning alerts on the platform and via email. Owners and coordinators who interact with the plan (submit the request, add a message, send a proposal, etc.) become subscribed to the plan.

Field Trip plan created

All Team and nonprofit owners and coordinators will receive a notification when a new Field Trip request has been submitted. 

Field Trip plan updates

Subscribed owners and coordinators will receive notifications if a plan is updated, canceled, or declined.

New message

Subscribed owners and coordinators will receive a notification if a new message is posted on a plan. All nonprofit owners and coordinators will receive planning notifications until someone has subscribed to the plan. 

All owners and coordinators will receive an email reminder for any plans awaiting a response for 5 business days. If plans are still awaiting a response for 10 business days, plans will expire and owners and coordinators will receive an email alert.