Activities are volunteer opportunities that appear on nonprofit profiles and in the Field Trip catalog for Teams to browse. Teams looking to get engaged in the community can work with nonprofits to plan Field Trips (group volunteer events) around these activities. 

✨ On Field Day, Teams can browse volunteer activities to plan Field Trips (Team events) around. Learn more about Teams on Field Day →

Browse volunteer activities

To view the Field Trip catalog, click plan a Field Trip in your navigation sidebar when you’re signed into Field Day. Here, you can browse all activities posted by nonprofits for Teams! 

In the catalog, view a quick description of the activity and details to help you plan for your Team. Click on any activity card to view all activity details, Field Trip planning information, and upcoming events for this activity, and to request a Field Trip for your Team.

⭐️ Team owners and coordinators can submit Field Trip requests to start planning events for their Teams. Learn more about Team roles →

How activity filters work

You can use filters located at the top of the page when you’re browsing activities. 

Apply filters to help you view activities by:

  • Nonprofit or cause
  • Months available
  • Available days and times
  • Volunteer capacity and age requirements
  • Hosting (at the Team’s location, a nonprofit site, or virtual)

If activities are only seasonally available, nonprofits will note this on the activity page itself under "months available". If you’re ever unsure, you can always submit a Field Trip request and leave a note to confirm availability!